Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Contoh Soal Interview Saat Mengambil S-2 Luar Negeri by Intansari Nurjannah

Question1: Why are you the best person for scholarship?
I think what Australian scholarship aim is …… and because of my background I think I suitable to apply for this scholarship (here: candidate need to understand the aim of each scholarship offered and think why their background suitable with the aim of the scholarship offered)

I’ve search about the number of doctor who get their postgraduate master  medicine is much more higher than in nursing. So the number of nursing who are having higher degree in Indonesia need to be increased. (show evidences to be considered that you are a very best candidate for scholarship – it does not mean that you have to say ‘I am the best of candidate’ – it is too show off. Just give them evidence then let them make a conclusion about your position)

So that, it is really important to improve nurses’ human resource in Indonesia, in addition because no institution in Indonesian offer this subject, of course nurse should continue their study abroad, but it is really expensive. (The reason mentioned here is not just my own personal reason to be chosen for scholarship but it is more related to general – in Indonesia, it does not mean that this is the only reason, you can choose another reason; find something that is reasonable for your background)

The experience from other country will be useful for nurses in Indonesia, as I have experience from my master degree in Australia that what was happening in psychiatric problem in Indonesia was also happen in Australia around 30 years ago. In my experience, the Supervisor in Australian University able to analyze the psychiatric problem in Indonesia in their own perspective as they have the same experience with in Indonesia. (show how important and benefit if you are to be chosen for scholarship award – need to be realistic)

Question 2: Are you creative? Intelligent?
I think I quite creative for example I can create a patient’s classification system and with this system we can analyze the patient condition and also to provide an appropriate nursing care for them. I think I also quite creative for example I create the map of nursing diagnosis based on NANDA-I. This map used to know what is the relationship between one nursing diagnoses with other nursing diagnoses. It is needed for nurses on their work as it will help nurses to analyses patient condition. This map has been printed and sold for…. Exemplar (it’s OK to little bit ‘show off’ related to your capacity, however, you need to show the evidence that give interviewer reason why you are creative. The word ‘think’ show you analyze yourself and the word ‘quite’ show you try not to be very ‘show off).
 I think I am people who are open learning and dynamic person…(why? What is the evidence?).

 Question 3: Tell me about your self
As a lecture I think
I am friendly, I always try to keep close with my student, so they feel happy to be with me and in my experience students come to me not only for their academic problem but also for their personal problem. (again, give the interviewer evidence related to your statement that you consider yourself as ‘friendly’)
I think, we should not teach the student only about a lecture but also about how to manage their life and increase their coping. (you can continue to show your analysis of the reason of your statement)
As a nurse I think
I really take care about the patient and so they usually feel happy when I take care of them. I also learn more and more about patient. Sharing with patient is worthy experience for me
As a…. (you can choose your own background)

Question 4: What was your GPA from university and why it was low?
I am quite happy with my score, in that time, I have a part time job as a doll seller, and I have got an experience about teaching in elementary school in private, because I think I will have an experience about how work is good for my life experience, not just I only have experience to be a student. (It is a tricky a questions. If your GPA is not very high, you need to show them that you are still very happy about that GPA and give them the reasonable reason why is not really high and give the positive ‘statement’ about the reason. Said ‘I have got very high GPA’ without showing that life is not just GPA will not help you. Showing that you are very sorry and regret (if your GPA is low) will only give them a picture that you are not a ‘positive’ person, and that will reduce your chance to be chosen. Be positive and be realistic).

 If your GPA is high you can give answer like this: I was very lucky because I have got an opportunity to develop my capacity when I was in the university. I have a quite good GPA, 3.4 on the Scale 4 (for example – evidence). I remember that I was very busy not only just to study but also have some other activities for example working in student organization and also work part time. I think I am the person who can be more effective and efficient when I am busy. Not just busy to study but also busy to fulfill other activities that will give me rich experience to be a mature person.

Question 5: What are you looking for in your position
I willing to work hard, for example my institution offered to apply any grants, we are in a small team willing to work for long time, maybe for some days and in my position now, I think I have chance to develop mental health nursing, and of course I will make our health service better than my condition now. (It is important to show the evidence related to your answer)

Question 6: What do you know about ADS?
I know ADS from ……..and the aim of ADS is ……
And I think ADS need people who ……….
So I think I fit in this criteria and I hope there will be a benefit to my country especially in health service. (It is important to show that you know ‘everything’ about the scholarship, it shows that you are really interested in this scholarship and also have tried to find information as much as possible related to this scholarship)

Question 7: What is your strength?
I am a good person in my work and in my environment. Of course I’ve just try to do the best wherever I stay. For example: I will be a good friend for all people in my office, sometimes I play badminton with them in annual tournament in this university. (Again, evidence is important)

Question 8: How would that your work friend describe you
My student said that in their questionnaire that I am their favorite lecture, and I have got twice prize from them in 2000 and 2001 as a ‘favorite lecture’ (Show evidence, if possible, it is not always something big. Find that you have a positive thing, everyone have this and then develop it. If you can’t find something positive about yourself then ask your friend to help you to find what they consider you to be positive in what. This is also help you to be ‘positive’ and ‘optimistic’ person ).
This is not really important for me, I mean about the prize, but If I can teach them and provide them much experience I think I will feel happy. (Be modest, not to show off to neutralize the previous statement)
My friend said I am a diligent person, for example: I usually collect the student result examination earlier or on time. (Again, evidence is important)
And my student said that in internship course, I have the great method to be their tutor.
I usually want to understand any other person and willing to help to solve their problem, their emotion, and so on ….
(you can find several reference related to term ‘friend’ you can choose, student, colleague, consumer, etc that is depend on your background)

Question 9: What did  I like and dislike about college or university
I think I am proud of my university because this is the first university that open the nursing subject.
I did not like about my university because the curriculum had not fix enough. It is may be because this is the first experience to run a bachelor nursing degree in Indonesian. So we confused about what was different from nurse who graduate from diploma or bachelor degree. But in that time, we tried to look for information about this, although these problems still exist in another university. I think we should have more experience about nurse education so we can compare to our country and can make my student graduate and can be accepted in global area. (Here, you need to be balance, show what are the positive side of your university and also negative side. But be careful not to show negative side in negative way. Show the realistic ‘bad thing’ that it may because of some circumstance that influenced by external factors. Some factors that there is not university’s fault. Then show how ‘the bad’ thing can be changed – show the analysis of your thinking).

Question 10: Are you willing to relocate
Yes, I think it is okay for me to relocate as it still have relationship with my skill and have a benefit for society. So I can do something in that area, and I can develop this place, I hope so.

Question 11: What is your short term goal?
Question 12: What do you want to be in 5 year?
Question 13: Describe the situation that you can account with difficult (somebody, friend, work, etc.)
Question 14: Before we go any further, what kind of money do you need to make? (What do you expect from ADS?)
What conclusion needs to be drawn from those examples of questions and answers? In my opinion, we need to be as realistic as possible but don’t forget to be a positive, optimistic and ‘balance’ person and we need to show our analysis for some statements. Put you emotion in positive way, by doing this you will be ‘natural’ person and relax.

Previously, I have been a ‘negative’ person, see everything in just in a negative way. However, life experiences teach me how to be a ‘positive’ and ‘proactive’ person. What is different between ‘positive’ and ‘proactive’? Why we need to be ‘positive’ and ‘proactive’, how can we be ‘positive’ and ‘proactive’?  That will be a different article to be presented.

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إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى اللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الْعُلَمَاءُ

“Sesungguhnya yang takut kepada Allah di antara hamba-hamba-Nya, hanyalah ulama” (QS. Fathir: 28).

Ibnu Katsir rahimahullah berkata, “Sesungguhnya yang paling takut pada Allah dengan takut yang sebenarnya adalah para ulama (orang yang berilmu). Karena semakin seseorang mengenal Allah Yang Maha Agung, Maha Mampu, Maha Mengetahui dan Dia disifati dengan sifat dan nama yang sempurna dan baik, lalu ia mengenal Allah lebih sempurna, maka ia akan lebih memiliki sifat takut dan akan terus bertambah sifat takutnya.” (Tafsir Al Qur’an Al ‘Azhim, 6: 308).